e-Logistics platform for a Better Life
We focus on logistics in daily life that we encounter every day,
and conduct various studies and functions to ensure smooth flow.
We aim to be a living logistics platform that encompasses both online and offline spheres throughout the world of e-commerce logistics and creates a better world.
We harmoniously connect each contact point of e-commerce logistics with IT technology to expand our values, to enrich your everyday life.
These are the Core Values goodsFLOW upholds as its Vision and Mission:
e-Logistics platform for a Better Life
We focus on logistics in daily life that we encounter every day, and conduct various studies and functions to ensure smooth flow.
We aim to be a living logistics platform that encompasses both online and offline spheres throughout the world of e-commerce logistics and creates a better world.
We harmoniously connect each contact point of e-commerce logistics with IT technology to expand our values, to enrich your everyday life.
These are the Core Values goodsFLOW upholds as its Vision and Mission:
Background Color Usage
Incorrect Usage
When displaying official names such as on web pages, advertisements, descriptions, articles, etc.
X GOODSFLOW Incorrect capitalization (uppercase)
X goodsflow Incorrect capitalization (lowercase)
X GoodsFLOW Incorrect capitalization (random)
X goodsFlow Incorrect capitalization (random)
When usage in Korean is inevitable, for instance on advertisements or descriptions
X 굿스플로우 Notations other than the specified are prohibited
X 굿즈플로 Notations other than the specified are prohibited
X 굿즈플로우 Notations other than the specified are prohibited
X 구스플로우 Notations other than the specified are prohibited
Shipping Information Solutions
Fulfillment Solutions
Urban Logistics Solutions
Our logo combines our square symbol with a simple word mark.
It is to be used according to our guidelines below, with our brand colors.
This logo is one which delivers goodsFLOW brand identity in the clearest way, and so must be prioritized.
Here are the guidelines for the background color for the use of our goodsFLOW logotype.
Proper use is performed in accordance with the stated regulations for consistent identity maintenance and delivery.
Combinations other than the specified color are prohibited.
These are the conventions that minimize misuse when communicating with goodsFLOW.
Please refer to the regulations below to ensure proper use depending on the application.
When displaying official names such as on web pages, advertisements, descriptions, articles, etc.
When usage in Korean is inevitable, for instance on advertisements or descriptions
X GOODSFLOW Incorrect capitalization (uppercase)
X goodsflow Incorrect capitalization (lowercase)
X GoodsFLOW Incorrect capitalization (random)
X goodsFlow Incorrect capitalization (random)
X 굿스플로우 Notations other than the specified are prohibited
X 굿즈플로 Notations other than the specified are prohibited
X 굿즈플로우 Notations other than the specified are prohibited
X 구스플로우 Notations other than the specified are prohibited